Sunday, September 5, 2010

baby blanket The child grow needs anything

Learning language, this is the language study, is the language. Gives birth soon, as soon as the parents hug the child then to speak to him, actually teaches him the language. The study mother tongue, to the common child, is not a problem. The normal child, less than 7,8 years old,baby blanket, can deal with each kind of condition which using the mother tongue in the daily life meets. Except the mother tongue,cool baby boy clothes, the child should also study a foreign language, the familiar foreign language may expand a person's field of vision, enhances a person achievement the upper limit. The study foreign language also equally is obviously important with the study mother tongue and urgent, because the language is one kind of very strange ability, studies early, the study effect is better. Later student, is not only laborious, moreover very difficult to learn. Also, to the childhood child, is the game, simultaneously studies many kinds of languages, will not disturb mutually. To the child, each language is the loan word.

Second, the child needs to know the living conditions, this is the environment education.

The child all can contact the human, the thing and the phenomenon, he is curious. Most early, the child achieves to the environment can distinguish suffices: This person is mother, this person is a daddy, that person is uncle, that person is aunt; This is a tabletop, this is a chair, that is a bed; This is an automobile, this is a train, that is an airplane, that is the shipThe child grows up gradually, increased to the environment understanding: Mother accompanies my time to be longest, daddy only then the evening appearsChild's curiosity expands very quickly, some child also understanding, the school and his country, he wanted to know the Earth and the universe; The child also curious past and future; In curious forest alligator and python, also curious must depend on the bacterium which and the atom the microscope can see. The child is very small in him, already felt the environment may perform to use; Has cried, adult will worry, therefore knew that will cry to be possible to bring conveniently to him; The fire is burns, best shunts by far, but controls in the stove, may cook, burns the boiling water; Rides the automobile to be possible to arrive at the park, then you do not need to walkThis is the child at first to the environment use idea.

The child are more to the environment understanding, he more wants to control and the use. This is the science invention origin. But the child to the environment observation and the understanding, is one-sided and is superficial, the thorough understanding must depending on studied may not, helped the child to have the plan, had the choice observation and the understanding living conditions, encouraged him to read, the child will enter the adult world self-confidently.

Third, the child needs to develop the imagination world, this is the creativity education.

Why does the child play the toy to hit the mechanical games all day, he does not think lonely, because he thought that the toy and the game character are his friends, it and he are the same,(Related Articleskids hoodies How to deal with the young people ido), will be hungry, will be thirsty, will cry, will smile. The child reads the fairy tale story, either listens to adult to tell the story, he integrates in very quickly the plot, in story person he, either is his good friend. In some kind of degree said that the child is from the fantasy game the learning language, knows the environment, studies the personhood to work.

Why some matter adult will be thought monotonously, tasteless? Very simple, adult's childhood's fantasy world is too narrow �� he, because little listens little to read the fairy tale story, but the narrow his imagination world, after having grown up,kids clothing, appears the few creativities naturally, obviously, looked that the science fiction and the fairy tale story, may enrich child's fantasy world, strengthens the child creation and invention ability.

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